Gain strategic insights into the commercial value of the Top 70 IPs in the US
Comprehensive dashboards to assess the commercial success of intellectual properties.
Explore the commercial potential of the 70 most established intellectual properties (IPs) in the United States through our detailed dashboards. Dive into data and gain valuable insights into the potential and strength of each intellectual property, based on the Habo IP Index model. In a rapidly evolving entertainment landscape, making data-driven decisions is key to staying ahead.
Utilize the dashboard data to confidently guide your strategy.
The Habo IP Index reveals the commercial potential of intellectual properties, enabling creators, producers, and IP owners to make informed decisions to captivate their target audience and steer their business model towards commercial success.
Applicable to any existing intellectual property across all geographical markets, our method breaks down into three major dimensions, composing the true value of an intellectual property: IP Health, IP Love, and IP Value. The dashboard allows you to evaluate an intellectual property based on:
- Its overall health indicators;
- Its relationship with consumers and fans;
- Its ability to be monetized and deployed in various categories.
Explore the ranking of the 70 intellectual properties tested by Habo, including the dashboard for The Lion King, which is ranked as the top intellectual property among those tested.
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Discover how our dashboards can provide valuable insights to optimize the valuation of creative assets.
Full package | The 70 intellectual properties tested
Pages: 148 Pages
Details: Access to the individual dashboards for the 70 intellectual properties tested by Habo
Format: PDF
Language: English
Released: 2022
Access: Download from this page
Terms: Single use, non-transferable
Price $5,000 CAD
Top 20 | The top 20 intellectual properties tested
Pages: 48 Pages
Details: Access to the individual dashboards for the Top 20 intellectual properties tested by Habo
Format: PDF
Language: English
Released: 2022
Access: Download from this page
Terms: Single use, non-transferable
Price $2,000 CAD
Order your dashboard
To receive pricing information, select the product that best meets your requirements by filling out the form below. Individual dashboards, available in PDF format, include detailed data for each of the 70 intellectual properties tested by Habo.
Order your dashboard
To receive pricing information, select the product that best meets your requirements by filling out the form below. Individual dashboards, available in PDF format, include detailed data for each of the 70 intellectual properties tested by Habo.
The Habo IP Index
While many attractions recognize the marketing significance of IPs, few studies have delved into the comprehensive analysis of IPs for experiences and projects. Recognizing this knowledge gap, we developed a tool within the Habo IP Index to empower companies in making informed strategic decisions.
Highlighting the robustness of the Habo IP Index, we analyzed 70 of the top IPs in the U.S. across five categories: movies, TV shows, video games, live shows, and books. These IPs were meticulously ranked based on their value by triangulating three essential dimensions: Health, Love, and Value.