Study on the socio-economic conditions of Quebec film producers

The Union des producteurs et productrices de cinéma québécois (UPPCQ) brings together producers from Quebec’s small and emerging film production companies. It aims to create a sustainable ecosystem by raising awareness of its members’ realities and challenges through a unified voice.

Since being a producer brings its share of difficulties and challenges, the UPPCQ decided to commission a study that would document the main issues experienced by Quebec film producers. To ensure that producers are well represented, the UPPCQ decided to conduct this study among both members and non-members.

Habo conducted this study thanks to our experience in the creative and entertainment industries, as well as our expertise in market research and strategic planning.

Study objectives

This study was designed around three key objectives. The first is to provide a detailed portrait of Quebec’s independent film producers. The second objective is to document the main issues targeted by the UPPCQ and experienced by Quebec independent film producers, including economic conditions, working conditions, and equal opportunity for project funding. Finally, the third objective is to identify possible solutions to the issues raised.

Portrait of independent producers in Quebec

This portrait highlights key statistics on the professional experience of Quebec’s independent producers and the profiles of their production companies.

* This study was made possible through the participation of Telefilm Canada and SODEC.